Thursday, May 2, 2013

Update - 4.27.2013

Thank God for the freedom we have to publickly preach the gospel in this country!  Things are changing in this country, but we still have total liberty to go out on the streets and preach Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

A little catch-up:  the St. Patrick's Day parade went well.  Many tracts were handed out, and the banners were put to good use.

We also, by chance (Ecclesiastes 9:11), had a street preaching day coincide with the Sandy Hook Run for the Families, so many people were able to be reached with the gospel.

Last week two of us and my son went out to our regular spot on Main St.  We had a very good response.  One Spanish lady came up to us and asked if she could help us pass out tracts.  She could not speak hardly any English, but she took a stack of Spanish and English tracts, and for 1/2 an hour stood with us and helped to spread the gospel!

We were also able to speak with a young Muslim woman.  She came up to us intent on showing us that the King James Bible had a verse saying that God did not have a son.  When she could not find it, we showed her the verse in Proverbs 30 where God asked HER a question: "Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?  Who hath gathered the wind in his fists?  Who hath bound the waters in a garment?  Who hath established all the ends of the earth?  What is his name, and WHAT IS HIS SON'S NAME, if thou canst tell?"  She replied, "Can I talk to you again sometime?"  She again questioned us on why we didn't believe Mohammed existed, and what was the difference between him and Jesus.  I told her, "I believe he existed, the difference is that Mohammed is dead, and Jesus Christ is alive!"  We were also able to show the deity of Christ through John 8:58, which again gave her pause.  She again said she would like to talk at a future date, so we gave her some info to get back in touch with us.  Pray that God would use the scriptures she saw to remove the blindness of her heart.

Several other people stopped briefly to hear the gospel, but I want to share one experience in hopes that it will be instructive to those doing personal evangelistic work.
During the preaching, a man whom we have seen several times before stopped and said immediately that he wanted to get saved.  I know that he has made several professions, so I was a little concerned as to his understanding of the gospel.  I spent several minutes going over the gospel and why he needed it.  He seemed to understand and agree with everything.  I asked if he would be willing to kneel right there and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour, which he said he was willing to do.  We kneeled and I asked if he wanted me to pray before he did.  He immediately said, "No, I want you to lead me in the sinner's prayer."  I told him that he understood everything that I had said to him, and that he could just use the best words he knew to tell God the same and ask Christ to save him.  He immediately became extremely agitated, got up and said, "Never mind, just forget it!", threw down the tract and gospel of John & Romans he was holding, and stormed off.  I was surprised--sort of--but it was obvious that he was not ready.  Pray for him; his name is Chris.
I tell all this to say, if someone will not do the best they can to tell God what they have already admitted to you, they are either not sincere, or do not fully understand salvation yet.  This man wanted ME to talk for him.  Whether he didn't understand, or was depending on "saying the right words" is entirely known to God.  I would rather have the experience make him think and later truly get saved, rather than give him some false assurance the rest of his life.  I will NEVER lead someone in prayer.  Do what you will with that.

Thanks for your prayers.  Please continue to pray, and, if the Lord impresses upon you, please come out and join us in our efforts to spread the gospel.

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