All 200 tracts were gone by the end of the day, as well as many other tracts of our usual fare.
We had the opportunity to talk with two men who both professed salvation, but were dealing with issues or doubts in their lives. Their names were Allan and Gary.
Gary was an ex-drug addict, but still dealing with the addiction to cigarettes. He took a tract for both himself and his fiance, Michelle.
Allan told us he was saved, but was not 100% certain of having eternal life. We had time to quickly show him from the Bible that God wants him to KNOW he has eternal life (I John 5:13). He admitted he was trusting only in Christ, and not in works or baptism, but it seemed it was the first time he had heard that salvation was a "know-so" not a "hope-so."
Herb had the opportunity also to talk with a young man named Louis. He approached him asking what we were all about, then asked the question, "So, what do I have to do to be saved?" (I wonder if he works in a Phillipian jail.) Herb went through the gospel, and it was apparent he understood and knew what to do. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, he felt like he needed to wait until he was home to settle the issue of salvation. Pray that the Lord gives this man no rest or peace until he makes a decision to receive Christ. It is so easy for Satan to steal the seed in the amount of time he was willing to wait.
The preaching today hit on the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, as well as answering some of the questions about the tragedy in Newtown the past week. Everyone seems to be asking, "Where was God?" Unfortunately, we have pushed him out of our schools, government, and lives. The only answer is to invite him back in and submit to his word. People's hearts are more tender and inquisitive after such horrible events, and I believe that God is using even this tragedy to draw men and women back to himself.
Thanks for your prayers. God bless you all. We are looking forward to a great year in 2013, and for the Lord's return--maybe even before 2013! Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Rev. 22:20)
Praise the Lord for your faithfulness! I received a tract back in the mail today. A 36 year old man named Rafael was saved this week! Glory to God!