Sunday, December 11, 2011

12.19.2011 Update

We are still out there preaching the word on the streets of Hartford.  We have been back and forth from downtown Main Street to Park Street.  Thank God for the liberty we have had to preach the gospel unmolested by the authorities or enemies of the gospel!

We had a unique opportunity to mix it up with the Occupy Hartford crowd down on Park Street one Saturday.  They asked as they walked by and saw the scripture signs, "Are you protesting US?"  I said, "No, we're just preaching the gospel!"  Most wouldn't take a tract, but a couple stopped briefly to talk.  At least they saw the scriptures.  God can use that later in their hearts to convict them of the REAL problem:  their SIN.
The same day I had the opportunity to sit down and open the scriptures for quite some time with a gentlman named Toby.  He went away lost, but pray that the word of God touches his heart mightily.

My son had the opportunity to come out with us again.  He was saved earlier this year, and is always looking for opportunities to pass out tracts.

Harry dealt with a man named Rey down near Constitution plaza.  Claiming to be saved, but really steeped in Catholicism, he was shown the scriptures concerning the grace by which we are saved.  His picture is to the left.

We have many opportunities to invite folks out to our Reformers Unanimous ministry, as our van picks up folks right there on Park Street every Friday.  Many say they will come; some indeed do.  A man named Dave was one of those people.  Pray that he would take the steps to come and get victory through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Herb also talked to a man named Gil and his friend who was an atheist.  We are not sure of Gil's salvation, but his friend was indeed lost.

This past Saturday, I was able to talk to a woman named Fanny.  She was very religious, but, by her testimony, was lost.  Pray that God would help her to get past what she is trusting in, and turn to the Saviour.

It is always a blessing when the Lord sends us encouragement on the streets.  The past week I had met a young man named Joshua who was, I believe, a Pentecostal.  Though we differ in doctrine, I believe he is saved, and we had a sweet time of fellowship discussing the scriptures.  He saw us again this week on Main Street and came over again.  He is a very sincere, fervent young man.  It is as if, between all the rejecters and hecklers, God will send us an encourager to let us know that there are still 7,000 out there that have not bowed their knee to Baal!

Keep praying for us!

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