We took it to Park Street this week, and the the Lord blessed in the preaching and interaction with people.
Another young girl observed us the whole time we were preaching, to whom we were able to give the gospel. It was evident that the Lord was really dealing in her heart. Pray that she does not resist the work of the Holy Spirit in her heart.
Back on the corner, Herb was able to deal with an Asian girl, as well as a man named Sulu. Later, we were accosted by a young man named Luke, who, unfortunately, took an exorbitant amount of our time away. We were able to leave him with an RU tract, as well as put the gospel to him plainly, which he claimed to have believed, but his testimony did not hold up to that fact.
Right before we left, the Lord crossed our paths with a man named Lonnie. He was heavily bound by his addictions, but we bought him some food, and he promised to try to be there for the church van on Sunday.
Very briefly on last week-- We had a great time preaching, and many tracts were handed out. One blessing for myself was as follows. In gathering the tracts I was going to use that day, the Lord impressed upon me to grab a couple of the John and Romans booklets we have. I forgot about it until we were starting to pack up to leave. The very last man we dealt with asked us if we had a Bible. Thankfully, I at least had the John and Romans with me, and he gladly received it! It was a blessing to see God bless obedience to a little, simple thing. Would to God all of our ministry could be characterized by that!
Thanks for your prayers. Below are some video clips of today's preaching.
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