We closed out the last Saturday of street preaching in 2015 with a good turnout and some good as well as not-so-good reception!
Seven men were on Main St. to preach the gospel this past Saturday, praise the Lord!
The not-so-good reception came in the form of a young woman who claimed to be a Christian and argued that our banners and signs were not at all good Christian behavior, and that we were all a "bunch of @#!!%* fakes!" When we challenged HER behavior as un-Christian she began to get really irate! I calmly asked her that if she was a Christian as she claimed, could she please tell me what the gospel was. She then threatened to "punch me in my @#$!% face!" Needless to say, there wasn't much point in continuing the conversation, but she got a good 10 minute message while she was waiting for her bus as we preached on the sidewalk.
A second man we met initially refused a tract, but when questioned stopped to talk. He claimed that he trusted only in Christ for his salvation, but when Herb asked what he would reply when standing before God, he responded, "I've done the best I could do." It was his own admission that he was relying on himself that allowed us a very good opportunity to present the gospel, and by the time he had to leave, you could see that the lights were going on in his head, and hopefully in his heart as well. His name was George. He ended up taking a tract, and thanking us for explaining to him "the way of God more perfectly" as it were.

The last encounter was with a man who spoke very little English, but who received a tract in his native tongue of Hindi. He stood and read the tract, and then filled out the questionnaire on the back leaving his contact info. He seemed to indicated that he received the message and believed it, but the language barrier made it hard to tell. Pete is trying to contact someone who knows the language to interface with him. His name was Ashok.
Thank you all for praying! It's been a good year, and we're looking forward to what God will do next year!
Stay tuned to the PublickMinistry YouTube channel and Twitter accounts for updates as well.
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