While Harry was preaching, Herb saw a young man standing a few feet away from him staring directly at him. He walked over to him because he suspected a possible confrontation but he said he was just listening to the preaching. Herb was able to talk to him one-on-one for about 15 minutes and explain the gospel of Jesus Christ to him.
The devil was clearly trying to distract him as another person came up to them and started swearing at them. Herb was about to tell him to go away but this young man (Jose) beat him to it and told him he wanted to listen to what Herb had to say and not to bother them! The heckler then walked away. As Herb continued to talk to Jose, his phone began ringing constantly but he did not pay any attention to it. A few minutes later, Jose was bowing his knees and asking God to forgive him for his sins!

It really does make it all worth it for one soul's salvation! Please pray for Jose. He is pictured here talking with Herb.
You can also see a clip of preaching in New Britain here.