We had a special push to get some new people involved in the street preaching this week. We had several new guys come out. Our pastor and his wife were also able to make it out with us, which was a special blessing! A brother in Christ named Chris who is stationed with the Marines near Stratford was also able to come out with us and bring his banner as well. There is a great shot of all the banners lined up on Main Street!
Todd and I did a circuit around through Consitution Plaza and were able to speak with a couple folks directly. Frank was one of them we both dealt with, and Todd dealt individually with a man named Lebert. Both needed salvation.
We were able to give a Spanish Bible to a man named Alex who had requested one,and two others that Herb and Dave dealt with were Joseph and Chris.
All in all, it was a great day for the distribution of the word of God through preaching and tracts. There were at least 9 men and women that came out and did the work.
Today was another great day weather-wise for preaching the gospel. One of the guys that came out for the first time in a while last time has gotten bit by the street ministry bug! It's addicting!
We have at our disposal now 5 banners! The two 4x8 banners we put back-to-back and it's a great message: Christ died for our sins on the one side, and the penalty of rejecting that payment on the other.
It was one of those days where the Lord saw fit to bless and encourage us with a number of believers in our way today. There are still 7,000 who have not bowed their knee to Baal!
A young man named Tom stopped and thanked us for what we were doing. He was very adamant in his views AGAINST evolution and such, but had no idea of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Another man named Aaron tried to hit me up for some money. I offered instead to buy him some food, which he resisted somewhat, because... well, you know-- he wanted the money for something else. In any case, I bought him some food, and gave it to him, all the while he was continuing to bum money from people. When he bummed a cigarette from a guy, I put it to him straight that the only way he was going to get deliverance from his addictions to cigarettes, booze and drugs was to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior, which he then proceeded to tell me he had done just last night! Ok... Pray for him and those like him that are bound in their sin.
While I was dealing with Aaron, Harry had started another conversation with a young man named Steve. He had been put-off by "judgmental Christians," but he was very open to talking about the scriptures, even inviting me to follow him to his bus stop so that I could show him things from the Bible. Pray that God would continue to deal with him through the scriptures in the tract he took.
As always, thanks for praying. That's the most important part of this ministry!
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